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Math Programs at West Coast Education



We are not only experts in math, but we know BC Math Curriculum inside-out. We specialize in all streams of math, all the textbooks, learning outcomes, and of course, all aspects of mastering the provincial exams. We work with students of all backgrounds in math. Each and every day, we see a mix of high school and university students who are seeing some success in math and are looking to improve on their grades and understanding, as well as individuals who are struggling with math and are in need of complete support with all aspects of their learning. You will not find an environment more accepting of all skill levels!


We also know that the majority of students have not had a positive experience with math up until they walk through our door, so we make a point of actually renewing every student's confidence in math and in themselves. This is especially important to us when it concerns students struggling in math, because we know that frustration with math can really affect how students feel and behave in other areas of their lives. In fact, when we see students with a history of being "stuck" in math, each time they are frustrated with a concept or question it seems to really get them where it hurts most. There is an emotional connection with struggling in math that is unique to this subject, and we know that. So we strive to be the solution to the math problem, as well as a remedy for the cloud of anxiety that forever surrounds many students struggling in math. Parents don't just rave to us about drastic improvements in their child's performance in math, but they also observe breakthroughs in personal development soon after their child starts spending time with us. Our students regularly exhibit leaps and bounds in maturity, organizational skills, priorities, and overall attitudes in school AND at home, alongside the obvious improvements in their grades in school. 


We encourage you to explore our services pages to learn more about our many programs, and if you want to know more about how West Coast Education is your complete math solution, take a look at what others have to say about us and contact us to book a free consultation!



Building strong math skills at an early level is key to future success in math and many other subjects. Students that continually struggle with math in grades 10, 11, and 12 usually share a pattern of shaky foundations that stems from much earlier grades. When those foundations are strengthened earlier and when problem areas are addressed proactively, the time and frustration it can save down the road for the student is incredible.


So if you identify a weakness with more basic math skills, whether it be weak mental math and arithmetic, difficulty with grasping algebra, or interpreting word problems, you will see better results the sooner you give us the opportunity to help!

Early Math to Math 9

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Student learning
Anchor 2

Foundations of Math and Precalculus 10

Math, Calculator, Trigonometry

In many ways, Grade 10 math is a critical course for students' future decisions regarding math. In our experience, grade 10 is the time where students start to realize the scope of senior level math, and the committment required to keep up with it. This is also a year where students who once never struggled with math, may find themselves a little lost for the first time. And of course, students are introduced to their first real government math assessment in the form of the Provincial Exams, a vigorous test worth 20% of the student's final grade.


We find that this is also the first year where students start to put up concrete barriers that define what they can and can't do or handle in the coming years of their math education, and they may begin to make career decisions based on reasoning such as: "I can't do this career because it involves math." Most students will also reach the crossroad of whether or not to take Foundations, Precalculus, or another stream of math in the following year, and this is a decision that can have consequences on a lot of future education decisions. 


There is no better time to reach out for additional support, and to also get an expert opinion from our consultant at West Coast Education, on which math stream and approach will yield the most positive experience for the student in the long run.

Anchor 3

Precalculus 11 and 12


Precalculus 11 and 12 are the senior level math courses that prepare students for programs and careers in science, business, and many forms of trades. Precalculus 11 is often suggested for students considering various areas of Arts as well. These courses go at an intense pace, and aim at preparing all students for post-secondary level calculus. We have a specialized approach for making sure students taking these courses as preparation for calculus, get all the enrichment they need to be fully prepared for those courses.


However, since not all students in the Precalculus streams intend to take calculus, some students may find themselves a little lost in the system. We know exactly how to teach precalculus to help those students get the most out of the courses based on their individual needs, while also helping them achieve the grades required to move forward.

Anchor 4

Foundations 11 and 12

Math, Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus, Precalculus

Foundations 11 and 12 are often a misunderstood and underestimated stream of math in BC. They are in no way remedial math programs, and they offer the same challenges and learning opportunities as the Precalculus stream. They do, however, focus on different areas of math, and there is a heavier emphasis on daily-life applications, word problems, and reasoning.


The Foundations curriculum can be tough and challenging for students regardless of their background in math, and one of the biggest mistakes people make is to assume that they will never need any support with this form of math because it is "easier." 


Since some aspects of Foundations math is unconventional, tutoring can really help to take the unexpected out of this course. In fact, with our support and guidance, we see some of the most sudden improvements in grades with students in this stream of math, often after only a few hours spent with us!

Anchor 5

Apprenticeship and Workplace Math 10, 11, and 12

Designed for some areas of trades and as an alternative option to fulfill graduation requirements, Apprenticeship and Workplace (A&W) Math is a positive fit for some students. There is a lot of confusion about this stream of math, and where its usefulness applies, especially because it is a relatively new program in BC schools. So it is important to consult with several people within the education system before making the A&W decision.


Our senior education consultant can tell you all about what A&W math has to offer you, and can help you weigh the pros and cons of entering the A&W stream.

Engineering, Physics

Calculus 12, AP Calculus, and University level Mathetmatics

We are experts in all areas of Calculus and AP Calculus 12, and we have extensive knowledge of all levels and streams of Calculus I, II, and III, and Linear Algebra at the college and university level. We have experience teaching these courses with students coming to us from all programs and institutions in the Lower Mainland, including SFU, UBC, BCIT, TRU, Douglas, Kwantlen, Capilano, Langara, and more! We also specialize in teaching AP Statistics and various statistics courses for the sciences, business, and arts.


We do offer tutoring in accounting and economics courses; for more information on those subjects please visit our Business page.

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University College Student

Online Courses, Continuing Education and Homeschool Programs

At West Coast Education, we are one of the most diverse facilitators of cross-curricular

BC online course tutoring in the Lower Mainland. We have tens of thousands of hours of experience guiding students through distance-learning mathematics courses, so our students can enjoy all of the perks of flexible, self-paced education, which is especially valuable to our many student athletes, with the added benefit of the structure and facilitation that comes with professional, personalized tutoring and instructional support.

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World Map, Global, Interenational, Geography, Internet, Online

Summer School and Math Prep

Students are taking more responsibility with their education than we have ever seen in the past, and as a result many choose to continue their schooling in the summer vacation. We help support students through intense summer school courses, facilitate our own online courses with students who register through us, and we also encourage prep for students anticipating difficulty in math in the coming year, or for those who are just hoping to get ahead. We approach prep in an open and flexible way, so you can tell us what you need, or we can assess the situation ourselves. 


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Student, Textbooks

Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you
with various courses and levels of mathematics.

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